If you want
to use webservice locally (localhost) without ‘auth 1.0’ then follow the below
steps. If have any query please visit http://www.brsolutions.in/Contactus.aspx
1. Go to the
admin panel of your wordpress site in localhost
2. After
login click on woocommerce menu and then on setting then go to API tab on top
3. when you
got to api page, there is 3 option available settings, key/apps, webhooks. Now
you have to choose keys/apps and then click on "add a key" button.
4. Put Key
Details like description, select user, user permission.
5. Go to the
phpmyadmin (http://localhost/phpmyadmin), select the database name from the
left bar then select the table name wp_options (prefix wp_ may be changed in
your case).
6. Go to the
option_name = siteurl and change the option_value form http:// to https://
7. Now go to
the home in option_name column and change the corresponding value form http://
to https:// for example if there is http://localhost/wpdemo1 then change it to https://localhost/wpdemo1.